Health Care Workers, First Responders and other Essential Workers

Father, we thank You for every health care worker, first responder and other essential workers. We pray Your hedge of protection and safety over them and their family day and night.

We plead the Blood of Jesus over them and declare that they dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Thousands may fall around them, but destruction does not come near them.

Because the Lord has given His angels charge over them, and their entire family, we declare that no evil comes near them, and neither does any plague come near their dwelling. They walk in divine health. We take authority over fear, frustration and anxiety, and we surround them with faith, peace and love.

As they care for the needs of others, strengthen them in their body and their spirit. Thank You for keeping them healthy and strong. Father refresh them when they are weary. Empower them to stand strong and fill them with courage.

We pray that these workers have Your wisdom and discernment as they face every crisis. They have FAVOR with the federal government, Food and Drug Administration and CDC. These governing authorities move speedily on their behalf.

We pray that Your comfort and peace are their constant companion. We pray that there is no lack of resources, medical supplies, financial resources, ventilators, and surgical masks; there is NO lack. We thank You for providing everything they need as they care for others.

We pray that their families are under-girded, uplifted and edified. They lack no good thing, because God supplies all of their needs. They are whole - nothing missing, broken lacking in their lives. We thank You for watching over Your Word to perform it. In Jesus Name.

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Father in the name of Jesus, we confess that we walk by faith and not by sight. We are strong and mature in our faith and we practice it daily. We hear God clearly and we continually speak His Word over our lives. We confess that we are growing spiritually, and we walk in the supernatural life. Signs, wonders, and miracles are manifested through our lives and we attract others to Christ. We confess that we are anointed and by the anointing on our lives, every yoke is broken and is destroyed; and every burden is lifted.

My God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. . The favor of God is on our lives and everything that we put our hands unto is blessed. The blessing of God is on our lives and it causes us to be fruitful and to multiply.

We fear not. For God is on our side. We walk in the wisdom of God and have perfect knowledge of every situation that we come up against. We greet each day with great anticipation of the good things God has prepared for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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In the name of Jesus, we declare by faith that we walk in divine favor. We have preferential treatment, supernatural increase, supernatural restoration, increased assets, great victories, recognition and prominence, and policies and rules are changed in our favor.

We command favor to show up now and in our future. Every endeavor, every meeting, every connection, every opportunity is already blessed. Doors are now open for us that men say are impossible to open. We walk in the unprecedented favor of God. No obstacle can stop us. We increase in influence and favor with God and with men. In Jesus name. (Pray in the Spirit)

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Healing Confession

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for our healing. Thank you that we know that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, which includes all sickness and disease. So we forbid all sickness and disease in our bodies. Father we decree that every cell, organ, member, and system of our bodies functions perfectly, and we forbid any malfunction, in the Name of Jesus.

God you sent your Word and healed us and delivered us from all afflictions. Your Word is medicine and healing to all our flesh. Your Word says that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes, we are healed. Therefore, we believe in the Name of Jesus that we are healed and whole in our bodies and that we are redeemed from the curse of sickness and death and refuse to tolerate any symptoms of infirmity and disease that attacks our bodies. No plague will come near my dwelling because we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We believe Your Word will not return to You void but will accomplish what it says it will. You desire that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. Jehovah Raphe is our covenant healer and with the stripes of Jesus we were and are healed. Jesus came that we may have life and life more abundantly. Healing is a part of our abundant life and we claim it now in Jesus Name!

Father, we thank You that the Blood of Jesus protects us and we claim Psalms 91 and Psalms 34 for our protection. We declare that no evil shall befall us. A thousand will fall at our side, and 10,000 at our right hand but it shall not come near us. Thank You Father in Jesus name, for protecting us from injuries, accidents, plagues, sickness, disease and premature death.

We plead the Blood of Jesus over us and our families in our going out and our coming in. Satan, we declare that you and your demon host are bound. Holy angels you're loosed to protect us according to God's Word in Jesus name. (Pray in Spirit)

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Experiencing the Peace of God

I believe in my heart and declare with my mouth…

That I walk in the peace of God. No matter what comes my way, no matter what circumstances I am faced with, I choose to fix my mind on the Word of God. When thoughts, conditions, or circumstances contrary to God’s Word come against me, I choose to respond through actions of faith.

I do not give place to the devil. He has no foothold in my life. I am submitted to God, I resist the devil, and he flees from me.

I am disciplined to pray. I cast all cares on the Lord for He cares for me. I walk with God and know the rhythms of His heart. My prayer time with Him is helping me to see the larger plans that He has for my life, my calling, and my future. I talk with God as a friend, and I delight in spending time with Him.

I am carefree. I refuse to worry, and I walk in God’s peace which passes all understanding.

My emotions are healthy. I am not governed or ruled by negative emotions. They do not impact my decisions, nor do they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. When I’m tempted to feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, just like Jesus, I pray and keep moving forward.

I submit my feelings to God in every situation that I encounter in life. I bind doubt, anxiety, worry, fear, and any other negative emotion that tries to attack my mind. I trust in God & rest completely in the integrity of His Word.

Walking in Divine Proection

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the protection that the Blood of Jesus gives me. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my immediate and extended family, over my church family, and over all my properties and possessions. The Blood of Jesus covers us in our going out and our coming in.

We dwell in the secret place of the Most-High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Because the Lord has given His angels charge over us, I declare that no evil comes near us, and neither does any plague come near our dwelling.

I stand on and claim Psalms 91 and Psalms 34 for our protection. A thousand will fall at our side, and 10,000 at our right hand but it shall not come near us. I declare that we walk in Divine protection.

Angels, I command you to hearken to the voice of God’s Word and continually protect us from all injuries, accidents, plagues, sickness, disease, and premature death.

Father, Your Word declares that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Therefore, I take authority over fear, and I rebuke it and boldly declare that I have no fear in Jesus' Name.

God is for us so who can be against us. The Lord is on our side, so we will not fear, worry, or doubt. Greater is He who is in us, than He who is in the world. Thanks be to God, who always gives us the victory. We are more than conquerors in You. Thank You for always causing us to win. We claim the victory in every area of our lives, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Given by Pastor Michael D. Moore on Sunday, October 19, 2014

I hear the Lord say this…that you are entering into a season where you will no longer have to wish you could, for your manifestation will not be coming, but your manifestation is at hand. You will no longer wish that you could. You will be ready and willing, for I will lay it into your hands for My use and My glory saith the Lord. Your days of wishing is over. It’s over! It’s over! The days of wishing is over! Your days, your days of wishing is over

I hear the Holy Ghost say; no more will you have to go to the world for support. It’s my time to show you that I am your provider, for if you will trust Me, I will do for you what the banker cannot do. If you will trust Me, I will do what government cannot do. If you will trust Me, then I will do what man cannot do. For I will do exceeding, abundantly above your highest dreams, your highest hopes and your highest desires saith God. I am ready, I am ready saith God, to demonstrate my power in this earth today. For I am weary with my children begging, I am ready to prove that I am alive and well in the earth today. No more looking to times past. Today is the day of your salvation.

I just heard the Lord say that financial miracles are taking place in this service. I just heard the Holy Ghost say that He is confirming His word in this service. Rapid, I hear rapid in my spirit. I hear rapid. I hear rapid reductions. I hear rapid reductions. I hear rapid reductions. I hear recovery, recovery, restoration, restoration. God is doing something very special. God is establishing great deals for you right now. Negotiations are going to be very easy. Things that you’ve applied for going to be released. Folk that said no to you are going to say yes. Your frustration is over. No longer frustrated. No longer having to fight.

Favor, saith the Lord. Favor is flowing right now. Favor, favor, favor. I’m going to do you a favor.

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Father in the name of Jesus, we confess prosperity in our lives and our nation today. Thank you that you promised to provide all of our needs according your riches in glory through Christ Jesus. You said to mediate on your Word day and night and to observe to do all that is written so that we would make our way prosperous and have good success. We thank you for creative and innovative ideas and plans to assist in this health and economic crisis. We are overcomers. God thank you that we are successful in defeating this coronavirus. Thank you that you are giving doctors, scientists, chemists, and others supernatural wisdom to create an antidote for COVID-19. We take authority over the spirit of lack. You said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. So, we bind the spirit of lack regarding every resource needed to combat this virus. We thank you that we have more than enough tests, mask, ventilators, water, food, sanitizing supplies, and all other supplies needed for every state, city, county, and country. We thank you that you are the God of abundance and there is nothing impossible with you.

Father you promised that they that love you and walk up right before you would lack for no good thing. So, we decree there is no lack of finances to meet and supply our personal needs and the needs of others. We decree and declare that we will not lose our homes, cars, or other natural material resources during this time.

We are tithers and givers therefore we are living under an open heaven and we are receiving the windows of heaven’s blessings in our lives. We have more than enough to live and more than enough to give even in famine. Satan has no authority over our financial and material resources in Jesus Name. (Pray in the Spirit)

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Prayer/Confession for Overcoming Fear

Matthew 6:34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Father, Your Word declares that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. We take authority over fear, we rebuke it and boldly proclaim we have no fear in Jesus Name.

We release faith, not fear. We stand on your word today.

We decree and declare that no weapon formed against us will ever prosper. We dwell in the secret place of the Most High God. Therefore, no evil befalls us or our families, nor does any plaque come nigh our dwelling places. Your angels keep charge over us to protect and defend us in all of our ways.

God is for us so who can be against us. The Lord is on our side, so we will not fear, worry or doubt. Greater is He who is in us, than He who is in the world. Thanks be to God, who always gives us the victory. We are more than conquerors in You. Thank You for always causing us to win. We claim the victory in every area of our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Pray in the Spirit)

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Family Confession

Peace and Comfort for Families - Father, we thank you that You are dependable, and we can depend on you to be our refuge and an ever present help in the time of trouble. This is a time of trouble. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Father, you delivered us from them all… Thank You for being the God of all comfort, You are our comforter, You are Jehovah Slalom, our peace, You are Jehovah Rapha, our Healer; the mender of broken hearts. Father, today we thank You for applying the Balm of Gilead to heal our souls. We resist thoughts of confusion, feelings of despair, anguish, depression, and being distraught. We come against all these now in the name of Jesus. We take authority over the spirit of grief right now in the name of Jesus! We plead the blood of Jesus over the minds of all our family members right now and command peace, now. You are our Strength, God. Jesus, we thank you for helping us in the days ahead as we adjust to life here on this side without our loved ones. Thank you, Father for giving us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness… Father, we continue to plead the Blood of Jesus over all our family members day and night. You are our shield and buckler; Jehovah Nissi, a Banner of Protection for us.

Families and School - Father we thank you that students maintain what they have learned and do not lose it due to being away from school. They continue to build the skills necessary for their grade level. They are the head of their class and not the tail, above only and not beneath. They have more insight than their teachers God, because they meditate on your laws. They have the mind of Christ. Teachers remain engaged with students to facilitate the learning process. They have the grace and creativity to teach in ways they never have before. They are allies with parents in continuing their children’s education. School Boards are proactive in maintaining contact and providing for student needs. They have wisdom in partnering with parents in maintaining a standard of learning. We thank you for giving them wisdom as they make plans to celebrate senior graduations. You are the source of comfort and peace for seniors and parents Lord and we thank you for helping them to stay in peace by keeping their minds on You.

Families Sheltered in Place - Singles - Father I thank you as an unmarried believer, I know how much you love me and I am the apple of your eye. I draw closer to You during this time; I seek you while You may be found. I am complete in you, Lord. I am whole in every area of my life. I walk in the purpose You have called me to and enjoy a rich life of fulfillment in You.

Couples - Father we thank you as a married couple that we dwell together in unity; that we re-connect with each other and take our bond to another level in You. We thank you that we have patience with one another and put the needs of the other first. Father, we thank you that we walk in the fullness of your purpose for our marriage and prefer each other over all things after You.

Expectant mothers - Father we thank you for those who are carrying babies right now. We speak a hedge of protection around the mother and baby, we plead the blood of Jesus’ and thank you for a safe delivery. They will not cast their seed before it is time. No evil or plague comes nigh them. The babies remain safe in the womb, during delivery, and after delivery. We thank you for wisdom for the medical team and all involved with the care of these expectant mothers.

Parents - Father, we encourage those parents who are at home and maintaining work schedules as they oversee their children. We speak strength, peace, witty ideas, and rest. We come against depression, stress, anxiety, and fear of failing their kids. We rebuke inadequacy, anger, and apathy. We do not provoke our children to wrath-but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We keep Your commands in our hearts and teach them diligently unto our children, talking of them throughout the day in every circumstance of life. Father we thank you for giving us wisdom during this time. Help us to see the benefit of being in the same space and take advantage of this time with our kids. We are well able to do what You said about teaching our children diligently throughout the day, now, especially in this circumstance. Help us to lead our homes with poise and grace. Give us a new appreciation for parenting as the stewardship You have declared it to be. Show us that our children are a reward from You, and You know what they need. Help us as a family to draw closer to You during this time, Father. Open up the eyes of our understanding so that we can truly see You in the midst of us and our circumstances. Guide us into the truth, Father. Replace complaint with thanksgiving…

Father we thank you for those of us as parents who are still working outside of the home. We declare a hedge of protection around us. No evil shall come near us and we thank you for peace, strength, and grace as we continue to work. We thank you for providing safe childcare. Our entire household remains healthy and healed.

Children and Teenagers - Father we declare that children and teenagers obey their parents in the Lord so that they have a long happy life. They are a joy and a blessing. They obey quickly, with honor and respect. We come against all manner of rebellion, apathy, indifference and boredom. They remember You now while they are young and not take you for granted. They diligently seek you daily. They hide Your word in their heart so they don’t sin against You. They grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with You and man. They let no man despise their youth, but instead are examples of speech, conduct, faith, love, and purity.

Family confession-to be said together as a whole family unit We thank you Father, our families are united in love and we are our brother’s keeper. We walk in love and our faith works by love. Father, we delight in making you happy by agreeing wholehearted with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and one purpose (Phil 2:2). We are protected from all hurt, harm, or danger. No evil comes near our households. We dwell in the Secret Place of the most High God. Thank you Father, that we overcome by the blood of Jesus, and the words of our testimony. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Our President, His Cabinet, and all Government Officials

Father, we pray that You fill our President, his Cabinet, and all Government Officials on a local and state level with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. We pray that those in authority walk worthy of You unto all pleasing, that they be fruitful in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of You. Strengthen them with Your will and Your might, according to Your glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness.

Father, we believe that the hearts of those in authority are in Your hands and their decisions are directed by You. Our leaders are wise because they have surrounded themselves with God-fearing people who advise them in the way of righteousness. We are victorious in the fight against terrorism. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. We under-gird our leaders in prayer and we will not allow any corrupt communication to proceed out of our mouths concerning those whom God has placed in positions of authority.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray God’s perfect will for our President, His cabinet, and all government officials on a state and local level. (Pray in Spirit)

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Prayer for Our Leaders

Dear God, All authority is Yours, but You have given authority to leaders to protect and guide us. Today, we ask that You would give all our leaders wisdom, discernment, strength, and resolve. Keep them healthy, safe, and rested so that they can continue to guide us through this troubling time.

Give our government leaders wisdom about what needs to be done to stop the virus and stabilize our economy. Give our spiritual leaders Your discernment on how to meet people’s needs as they continue to glorify Your name and encourage the Church.

Give our medical leaders insight into how to stop the virus. Strengthen their resolve and honor their hard work in creating a treatment for COVID-19.

Give our civic leaders inspiration, courage, joy, and strength to meet the needs of their communities.

And help us, as leaders in our communities, to display courage, hope, generosity, and kindness. Would the way we honor others inspire those around us. In Jesus Name. Amen. Compliments of You Version.

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Father, we thank You for the leadership of Pastor Mike and Mrs. Pete. We thank You that they are examples of Christ. They are equipped and empowered for the calling upon their lives. They glorify God in all that they do. They are encouraged and strengthened. We confess that the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and might, rests upon them. We thank You that they daily walk in holiness, integrity, humility, justice, peace and love.

We pray that they flow in the gifts of the Spirit. They are discerning and sensitive to the people and to the things of God. We pray that they are blessed spiritually, physically, mentally, personally and emotionally. We confess victory in their ministry as well as in their home. We declare great grace and favor upon them. We thank You that they exemplify Your abundance in every area of their lives! Their family walks in divine health and safety.

Because of the covenant they have with You, their children and their generations are blessed! Father, we use our faith, covering them with Your Word. We say that no weapon formed against them shall prosper, and any tongue that rises against them in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. We come into agreement with Your Word that Pastor Mike and Mrs. Pete shall both prevail and do great things in Jesus’ name!

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In the name of Jesus,

I confess that I walk by faith and not by sight. I am strong and mature in my faith and I practice it daily. I hear God clearly and I continually speak His Word over my life. I confess that I am growing spiritually and I walk in the supernatural life. Signs, wonders, and miracles are manifested through my life and I attract others to Christ. I confess that I am anointed and by the anointing on my life, every yoke is broken and is destroyed; every burden is lifted.

My God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. By His stripes, I am healed and I walk in divine health. The favor of God is on my life and everything that I put my hands unto is blessed. The blessing of God is on my life and it causes me to be fruitful and to multiply.

I fear not. For God is on my side. I walk in the wisdom of God and have perfect knowledge of every situation that I come up against. I greet each day with great anticipation of the good things God has prepared for me.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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In the name of Jesus, I declare by faith that I walk in divine favor. I have preferential treatment, supernatural increase, supernatural restoration, increased assets, great victories, recognition and prominence, and policies and rules are changed in my favor.

I command favor to show up now and in my future. Handfuls of favor are being dropped for me right now! Every endeavor, every meeting, every connection, every opportunity of this month is already blessed. Doors are now open for me that men say are impossible to open. I walk in the unprecedented favor of God. No obstacle can stop me. No statistic can hold me back. I am the object of God’s affection. I increase in influence and favor with God and with men.

I am fully resourced to fulfill everything that God has called me to do.
In Jesus name.

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Father, we thank You that the love of God is shed abroad and poured forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Your love is perfected and completed in us. We are rooted and grounded in love. Nothing is able to separate us from Your love.

We commit ourselves to walk in the God kind of love. We endure long. We are patient and kind. We are never envious, divisive, or jealous. We are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful, resentful or rude. We pray for those who are cruel in their attitude toward us. We are without offense and strife. We are without prejudice and division. We are filled with the fruits of righteousness.

People are being blessed by our lives because everywhere we go we are committed to plant seeds of love. We confess that by this all men will know that we are Your disciples, because we have love one for another.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray God’s perfect will concerning our love walk.

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Father, we thank You for this opportunity You have given us to pray. We desire to pray. Our hearts are stirred up to pray. We are disciplined to pray. We commit to pray. We are excited to pray.

We agree to pray, we will pray boldly and in faith. We will not be distracted from praying. We will pray in the Spirit and we will pray with our understanding also. Prayer is a mighty weapon and tremendous power is released when we pray. It is dynamic in its working so we yield ourselves today to pray fervently in Jesus’ Name.

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Father in the name of Jesus, we confess the Word of God dwells in us richly. Your Word shall not depart from out of our mouths. We mediate in your Word day and night. We diligently act on your Word; therefore, we are prosperous and have good success. We exalt and esteem your Word.

We give the Word first place in our lives. We make our schedule around Your Word! Your Word is Truth and forever settled in Heaven; therefore, we establish Your Word upon this Earth. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It is quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. We have hidden Your Word in our hearts that we might not sin against You. We plant the Incorruptible Seed of Your Word in our hearts. It is abiding in our spirits, growing in us mightily, and producing Your nature in our lives.

Satan we bind you. We will not allow you to steal, hinder, or cause us to reject the Word of God. We have life, happiness, joy, and peace because we believe with our hearts and say with our mouths, "The Word of God is the answer."

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Father, in the Name of Jesus, we confess today that the Word of God goes forth boldly and accurately during our Children’s Ministry, Student Ministries, and Adult services. We thank You that our Pastors and teachers are anointed, sensitive to the Spirit, and rightly divide the Word of Truth.

We confess that every Vision Partner is anointed and strengthened by Your power. They operate in love and do the work of the ministry by faith. Thank You, Father, for rewarding them for their service in the Kingdom of God. We confess that as we hear Your Word it will fall on good ground and produce a harvest in our lives. Eyes and ears are opened to see and hear the truth of Your Word.

We believe that every need of every person is met - spiritually, physically, mentally, socially and financially. There will be no distractions or hindrances. No weapon formed against our services shall prosper. Thank You, Father that the Spirit of the Lord is in operation in all of our services today.

Holy Spirit, we trust You now to help us to pray God’s perfect will for our services in Jesus’ name.

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Father in the name of Jesus, I confess prosperity in my life today. You said to mediate Your Word day and night and to observe to do all that is written then I will make my way prosperous and have good success. Thank You, Father, that I prosper spirit, soul, body, socially, and financially.

My spirit prospers. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in me and leads me into all the Truth. He gives direction to my spirit and illumination to my mind. I have understanding, discernment and comprehension so that I am preserved from the snares of the evil one. The Holy Spirit is always with me to help me. He aids me before time, on time, and at the right time. I grow up unto spiritual maturity, the fullness of Christ.

My soul prospers. With my soul I will bless the Lord. My will and emotions do not overcome, dictate, or lead me. My will and emotions line up with what God has spoken concerning me. I manage the thoughts of my mind, and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of God's heart. My mind is renewed by the Word of God.

I prosper in my body. I am redeemed from the curse of sickness, pain, disease and worry. Jesus bore my sickness in His own body, and by His stripes I am healed. Every organ, every tissue in my body functions in the perfection in which God created it to function. I honor God and bring glory to God in my body. I eat right, exercise, drink enough water, and get enough rest. My youth is renewed like the eagles. With long life I am satisfied, and I know God's total life prosperity!

I prosper socially. I do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I make Godly love my aim. I purpose to encourage and build up all those with whom I come in contact. I have good Christian fellowship with other believers, and I live in peace and harmony with others.

I prosper financially. I am a tither and a giver therefore I believe the windows of Heaven are open and pouring out blessings in my life. Every financial need of my life is met, and there is no lack. Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. For my God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. Father, You are my Source; the source of every blessing.

And I thank You right now for Your prosperity flowing in my life in Jesus name.

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OUR YOUTH: Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults

Father, In the Name of Jesus, we lift up our youth before You today – our children, our teenagers, and our young adults. We declare that are taught of the Lord, and great is their peace. Our youth are whole – spirit, soul, and body. They have healthy self-esteem and know who they are in Christ. They are leaders and never give in to peer pressure. They walk holy and upright before God and man and are examples of Christ in word and deed. They have a consistent daily quiet time, and they grow up into spiritual, personal, and emotional maturity. They are not rebellious but show respect for authority at all times.

They have quality relationships with their parents and guardians and with the spiritual authority that You have placed in their lives. They have good Christian fellowship with other believers. Father, You sent your Word and healed them and delivered them from all destruction. They are redeemed from poverty, sickness, failure, and spiritual death. They’re redeemed from accidents, terrorism, criminal acts, violence, street gangs, and any type of molestation.

They are set apart and sanctified unto You. They are not conformed to this world, but they are transformed by the renewing of their minds through the Word of God. They overcome the world, their flesh, and the devil! They have no desire for worldly music, premarital sex, adultery, pornography, or any form of perversion. They manage the thoughts of their minds, and keep their bodies under control and sexually pure. They have no desire for illicit drugs, smoking or alcohol. They resist the devil, and the devil flees from them!

They walk out the principles of the Word of God and choose to live for You all the days of their lives. All of our youth are excellent students. They are the heads of their class and not the tail. They prepare with diligence and use their faith to do well on their school work, tests, and projects. They have favor with their teachers, faculty, and staff. Scholarships, honors and awards are bestowed upon them. We declare that our youth fulfill the call, purposes and plans that you have for their lives, bringing glory and honor to Your Name. You have first place in their lives!

We declare they are all tithers and give offerings. There is no lack in lives. Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking in the lives of our young people. The angels of the Lord are encamped all around them! The blood of Jesus covers them, and no weapon formed against them shall prosper. With long life You satisfy them and show them Your salvation!

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray fervently and effectually God’s perfect will for our children, teenagers, and young adults!

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Our children, teens, and college students are taught of the Lord and great is their peace. They are excellent students, the heads of their classes and not the tail. They have favor with their teachers, faculty, staff, coaches, and peers. They are leaders and never followers. They do not conform to peer pressure or participate in gang activity, fornication, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol or any worldly thing.

They are removing the reproach. They are bold examples of the believers in all manner of speaking and behavior. Their minds are renewed by the Word of God. They overcome the world, their flesh, and the devil. They are MORE than conquerors! No weapon formed against them shall prosper. The angels of God are encamped around about them, keeping them safe from all hurt, harm, and danger. They walk out the purpose and plan that God has for their lives.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray God’s perfect will for our children, teens, and college students.

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Father, we pray that You fill our President, his Cabinet, and all Government Officials with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. We pray that those in authority walk worthy of You unto all pleasing, that they be fruitful in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of You. Strengthen them with Your will and Your might, according to Your glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness.

Father, we believe that the hearts of those in authority are in Your hands and their decisions are directed by You. Our leaders are wise because they have surrounded themselves with God-fearing people who advise them in the way of righteousness. We are victorious in the fight against terrorism. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. We under-gird our leaders in prayer and we will not allow any corrupt communication to proceed out of our mouths concerning those whom God has placed in positions of authority.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray God’s perfect will for our President, His cabinet, and all government officials.

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Father, we pray for our Armed Forces. We pray for the safety of all of our military personnel. We plead the Blood of Jesus over them. We declare that the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Thousands may fall around them, but destruction does not come near them. We thank You that You make our enemies to be at peace with us at all times.

Because the Lord has given His angels charge over them, their spouses and children, we declare that no evil comes near them, and neither does any plague come near their dwelling. We take authority over fear, frustration and anxiety, and we surround them with faith, peace and love. Father, provide for and protect the families of those who are serving in the Armed Forces. We pray that the families are under-girded, uplifted and edified. They lack no good thing, because God supplies all of their needs. They are whole - nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing lacking in their lives. We thank You for watching over Your Word to perform it.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray for our Military and their families in Jesus’ name.

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Father, we thank You that we have every leader and every vision partner needed to bring forth Your vision for this ministry. We pray that You fill our Leaders with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. We pray that those in authority walk worthy of You unto all pleasing, that they be fruitful in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of You. Strengthen them with Your will and Your might according to Your glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness. We believe that every leader of Faith Chapel Christian Center walks in “Agape”, the unconditional love of God. We thank You that the hearts of those in authority are in Your hands, and their decisions are directed by You.

Father, we lift up every Vision Partner of Faith Chapel Christian Center. We pray that they are doing the work of the ministry with joyfulness of heart for You love cheerful givers. We declare that they walk in love, exemplify excellence, and do the ministry by faith believing You to reward them for their investment into the Kingdom.

We believe that every leader and vision partner has a right attitude, right priorities, right motives, and the ability to submit to authority and delegated authority. Our leaders and Vision Partners demonstrate the fruit of the spirit – we have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance, and faith. We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, until we all come into the unity of the faith, the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man. We are mature in Him, established on the firm foundation of the God’s Word. We declare and decree that we are a whole body, fitly joined together. Every joint supplies. Thank You, Father, for our Leaders and Vision Partners.

Now Holy Spirit help us to pray God’s perfect will in Jesus’ name.

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I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. My righteousness came by faith in the finished work of Jesus. My righteousness speaks and declares that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and no unclean thing shall dwell in me. I am healed. I was healed by the stripes of Jesus. Jesus has already taken my infirmities and bore my sickness. Since Jesus took and bore them, I need not bare them. I have been healed since I was saved. My healing is eternal. Nothing can change that.

I am not the sick trying to be healed. I am the healed resisting symptoms of infirmity and disease. I have been bought with a price. I will therefore glorify God in my body. God sent His word and healed me and delivered me from all afflictions. His Word is medicine and healing to all my flesh. The anointing of the Holy Spirit has also been sent to heal every part of my being, emotional and physical. The same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead quickens my mortal body. No plague will come hear my dwelling because I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Jehovah Raphe is my covenant healer and with the stripes of Jesus I was and am healed.

More Healing Confessions:

Jesus came that I may have life and have it in its fullness. (John 10:10)

God desires that I prosper and be in health. (3 John 2)

The Lord is my Helper. I will not be afraid. (Hebrews 13:6)

I’m not moved by what I feel. I’m not moved by what I see. For I “walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)  I’m moved only by what I believe. I believe the Word of God.

Pleasant words are health, healing and medicine to my bones. (Proverbs 16:24)

Because I am Christ’s, I am a child of Abraham, and according to Jesus in Luke 13:16, I ought to be loosed from all bondage today (because God shows no partiality. Acts 10:34) (Galatians 3:7, 29)

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in me, and I am not my own. I am bought at a price. So I will glorify God in my body and my spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, which includes all sickness. So I forbid all sickness and disease in my body. Every disease germ and virus that touches my body dies instantly. Every cell, organ, member, and system of my body functions perfectly, and I forbid any malfunction, in the supreme authority of the Name of Jesus. (Galatians 3:13; Deuteronomy 28:61; Matthew 16:19; Philippians 2:9)

Greater is He that is in me than he (the defeated one), that is in the world, (who is the author of sickness). (1 John 4:4; Acts 10:38; Luke 13:16)

No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for my righteousness is of the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17;            1 Corinthians 1:30)

Jesus gave me authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt me. (Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17)

I am blessed above all people. The Lord has taken away from me all sickness. (Deuteronomy 7:14,15)

God sent His Word and healed me and delivered me from destruction. (Psalm 107:20)

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Father, in Jesus’ Name we pray for every member of Faith Chapel Christian Center - every baby, child, teenager and adult. We pray that Your Word grow in each life and prevail, that the fruit of the Spirit be developed in each life, that the gifts of the Spirit be in manifestation in each life, and that Christ be formed in each life.

Father, we believe that each member is faithfully fulfilling their role in the local setting and in the world. We are examples of Christ, ministering the Good News everywhere. Every member is redeemed from the curse of evil, walking in divine health and enjoying long life. Every member lives a minimum of 70 years, and if not satisfied, 120. We take care of our bodies with proper diet, water, rest, and exercise. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We believe that every member of Faith Chapel is a tither and a giver. We are enjoying the windows of Heaven’s blessings, and we have provision from expected and unexpected sources.

Every need is met, and we have more than enough to give to those in need. Father, we thank You for blessing each member to labor with supernatural ability and a high level of excellence and integrity. We thank You for causing promotion and favor on our jobs. We have doors of opportunity open to us that no man can shut. Others are using their resources, abilities, and influence on our behalf. We believe that every member of the Faith Chapel family is enjoying good Christian fellowship with other believers.

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Father, in Jesus’ name, we give thanks for the City of Birmingham and all the surrounding cities. We hold up in prayer before You those people who are seeking positions of authority in our cities.

We pray that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them. We believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the heart of everyone whom you have appointed to lead us – and that knowledge is pleasant to them. Discretion watches over them; understanding keeps them and delivers them from the way of evil and from evil men.

Father, we ask that You surround everyone in authority with men and women who are attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in Your sight. We pray that our leaders will be people of integrity who are obedient to your Word so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. We pray that only the upright shall be elected to govern over us…that only persons who are blameless and complete in Your sight, shall obtain positions of leadership in our city.

Our leaders reject all counsel that violates spiritual principles, trusting God to prove them right. They resist those who would pressure them to violate their conscience.

In the name of Jesus, we pull down any wicked stronghold from this election and the treacherous shall be rooted out of it. We take authority over the spirit of division, racial prejudice, slander, and every evil spirit that tries to come against your chosen candidate in this election.

We confess that every voter will seek your face concerning the candidate that you have chosen to lead our city.

It is written in Your Word that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and you turn it whichever way You desire. We believe that hearts of our leaders are in Your hand and that their decisions are divinely directed by You, Lord.

Lord, keep this city under your care. We declare that Jesus is Lord over the City of Birmingham.

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Father, we thank You that we have now received a Family Activity Center. It’s beautiful. It’s excellent. Up in no time, built without delay, and a tool of economic evangelism.

On the authority of Your Word we believe and declare that there is no lack. No lack of land, no lack of workers, no lack of resources, no lack of finances. We have more than enough money to finance the vision. God, You have already supplied for the Family Activity Center according to Your riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. There is no lack of wisdom and guidance. We have the mind of Christ, and our steps are ordered of the Lord. There is no lack of favor. We have divine favor for every contract, every job, and with every governing official who will make decisions that affect this part of the vision.

We believe and receive that the Family Activity Center is a blessing to the social, physical, and spiritual needs of our members and our community. It is a witness to the world of the power of God. People are coming from all over the world to see what You have done. We believe with our hearts and say with our mouths that we have a Family Activity Center NOW in Jesus’ name!

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Father, In Jesus’ Name, we thank You for our families. We declare that Jesus is Lord in our homes. Our households are built upon skillful and Godly wisdom. We have the mind of Christ and acknowledge the Lord daily to direct our lives. We put the Word of God first place in our homes and hold fast to our confession of faith. We are examples of the Believer, and the fruit of the Spirit is in manifestation in our homes. Our love for each other grows more and more, and we walk in unity and agreement. We are quick to forgive, tenderhearted, understanding, and respectful to each other.

Each member of our family walks in divine health, long life and prosperity. Wealth and riches are in our house. You are our Source, Provider and Protector. Your angels encamp around us. We will not fear, dread or be terrified for You sent Your Word, and Your Word healed and delivered us from all destruction. We declare over our families that “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Thank You, Father for watching over Your Word to perform it in our families.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray for our families in Jesus’ name.

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Father, in Jesus’ Name, we pray for all the marriages at Faith Chapel Christian Center. We pray that You would protect every marriage from anything that would harm or destroy it. Shield every marriage from selfishness and neglect, from the evil plans of the enemy, and from unhealthy and dangerous situations. We resist any thoughts of infidelity in our marriages.

Set every marriage free from past hurts, negative emotions, and unrealistic expectations of each other. Our marriages are united in the bonds of friendship, commitment, generosity, and understanding. Love is displayed in full expression, and husbands and wives are knit together in Truth.

We believe that You are working in our married couples that which is pleasing in Your sight. Every husband and every wife are committed to live in mutual harmony with one another and delight in each other. They are of the same mind and united in spirit. No weapon formed against our marriages shall ever prosper. We declare that every marriage at Faith Chapel Christian Center grows stronger day by day because they are founded on Your Word and rooted and grounded in Your love!

Holy Spirit, we ask You now, to help us to pray fervently for our marriages in Jesus’ name.

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Father, in Jesus’ Name, we pray for the lost, sick, demon-oppressed, possessed, poor and the sheep without shepherds in the city of Birmingham and all of the surrounding cities and communities. We pray that You, the Lord of the Harvest, send laborers into these areas. We pray that the eyes of their understanding are enlightened, and they come to the knowledge of the truth.

We pray that they are not able to resist the power of the Holy Spirit as He draws them to repentance by His goodness and love. We thank You that our altars are filled with hungry people longing to know You personally. We pray that Jesus will open their understanding so that they understand the scripture. We pray that You, Lord, who created their eyes and ears, will give them seeing eyes and hearing ears. Father, Your Word declares that it is Your will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray in agreement with the will of God for the harvest.

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Father God, We thank You for The Faith Chapel Care Center in Birmingham, AL. It is beautiful, excellent, first class and operates with dedicated, loving and compassionate people who are caring for those in transition out of homelessness. It is a Debt-Free facility and there is no lack. It is filled with spiritually hungry people whose lives are transformed after having heard and applying the Word of God taught on a weekly basis. We have every willing, skillful, and committed laborer for all manner of services.

The Care Center has favor with the City of Birmingham, the surrounding communities, and its governing body as well as with other local and national partners who are eager to assist with this vision. Because of the services provided at the Care Center in conjunction with other partners, homelessness is eradiated (destroyed completely) out of the City of Birmingham. Because of the mandate to eradicate homelessness and the application of the Word of God by those in transition, the transformed lives is a sign of the Power of God. This sign which follows the Word preached at the Care Center has global recognition and is a testament to Matthew 19:26 "that with God all things are possible". The Care Center is being sought out by other cities and organizations in the nation because of the record number of transformed lives. God supplies all the needs of the Care Center according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

We take authority over every hindering spirit, that would attempt to stop the vision of the Care Center from coming to pass. We loose the Holy Angels of God to bring the financial, material and people resources to support Center's vision. The Mentoring Program is supported by committed mentors who are equipped to help those in need of spiritual growth and training to live independently with God as their Source.

We have more than enough to fulfil the vision. There is no lack, no lack of donations, no lack of finances, no lack of favor, no lack of vision partners and no lack of wisdom.

Our guests at the Center are doers of the Word and NOT hearers only therefore, their lives are changed and they are walking in God's divine purpose.

The Care Center team collaborates with other partners to assist our guest with affordable housing, transportation, and all other social services needed to move them forward. We declare that our guests are homeowners, gainfully employed and serving God. In Jesus' Name.

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Ephesians 4:12-13, 16

Father, we pray and confess Your Word over the Body of Christ. We pray that we are examples of the believers in word, conversation, love, in spirit, faith, faithfulness, and purity, and we are able ministers of the New Testament.

We pray for the saints - that they be perfected, that they do the work of the ministry, and the Body of Christ be edified. We pray that we, the Church, come into the unity of the faith, the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man - the fullness of Christ. We pray that Godly Pastors are unified and that they resist competitive jealousy.

Help them, Holy Spirit, to edify one another and build each other up in the most holy faith. We pray that every member of the Body of Christ understand and function in their set place in Jesus’ Name.

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Dear Father,
We profess today that we are in the land that you promised us, the kingdom of God. And as an act of faith, obedience, love and gratitude we bring the tithe, and the offering to You Jesus, our High Priest, And we trust You today to worship our Father with them. Father, we were headed to hell but we cried out to You and You heard our cry and You delivered us from the authority of darkness and You translated us into the kingdom of Your dear Son, so we rejoice in all the good that You blessed us with.

Now look down from Your holy habitation and bless us as You said in Your Word. We believe that we now receive the windows of heaven’s blessings. We believe that we receive supernatural ability to function at a high level of excellence and integrity. We believe that we receive divine favor and we thank You for raising up others to use their power, their ability, their influence and resources on our behalf. We believe that we receive open doors of opportunities and we believe that we receive income from unexpected sources. We believe that we are the blessed of the Lord, Your blessing is on our lives and it has made us rich.

We believe that we are blessings, and we live a first class lifestyle. We believe that we are debt free; we owe no man anything but to love them. We believe that we enjoy the abundant life that Jesus came to bring. We are enjoying life to the full and it is running over in the name of Jesus.

We are blessed in our spirits. We are blessed in our minds. We are blessed in our bodies. We are blessed in our finances and we are blessed in our relationships. We are blessed and we are a blessing now.

In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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I boldly confess that compassion flows through me like a river! Condemnation and judgment have no place in my life, in my thinking or in the way I relate to other people. I am filled with the love of God, and I allow that love to touch others who are near me.

The bowels of my heart release the compassion of Jesus Christ, touching the lives of people caught in the deception of sin and darkness and setting them free in Jesus’ Name!

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Father, your Word says you will give seed to the sower in II Corinthians 9:10. I desire $2000 seed to give to my church toward debt cancellation. I believe I receive it now. Go ministering spirits, bring my money in Jesus' name.

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Father, I declare that I am an instrument of your love. I see each circumstance in my life as an opportunity to grow in your love. I see my environment as a place to grow in your love. I take the God-kind of love to other people...

When I am tempted to become irritated, I declare that I am patient.

When I am tempted to become moody, I declare that I am kind.

When I am tempted to become jealous, I declare that I am excited for and celebrate others.

When I am tempted to become boastful or proud, I declare that I will be careful to give You all the glory.

When I am tempted to be rude or mean, I declare that I am gentle.

When I am tempted to take offense and become angry, I declare that I choose to let go and offer the gift of forgiveness.

When I am tempted to become bitter, I declare that my heart I declare that I take no pleasure in criticizing others, but I choose to see the good in others, even as You do.

When I am tempted to concentrate on the faults and failures of others, I declare that I instead focus on and praise their accomplishments.

I declare that I am loyal to those You give me to love, to lead and to serve.

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2016 Confession

I am a speaking spirit. My words are spirit and they are life. The Bible says “Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so.” So, it’s not enough for me to just think the best. It’s not enough for me to just believe the best. It can only be so if I say it. I can only give life to my faith when I speak it out of my mouth. If I want to go to another level, I must say so. If I want a supernatural year in 2016, I must say so. If I want to accomplish my dreams, I must say so.

The Bible says that death and life are in the power of my tongue. So I choose this day to speak life to my life. I choose to speak life to my future. I choose to speak life to my soul. I choose to speak life to my body. Father, Your Word says to ask for rain in the season of rain. So today I ask for unprecedented favor. Today, I ask you to rain down your blessings. Rain down your anointing. Rain down increase. Rain down promotion. Rain down blessing.

Today is the day that the Lord has made. I choose to rejoice and I will be glad in it. Happiness is a choice. So I choose today to be happy. I choose to have a positive day. Today will be a great day. This will be a great week. Today I call in favor. Today I call in increase. Today I call in good breaks. God’s directing my steps. God is ordering my paths. He causes me to be at the right place at the right time. Whatever I put my hands to prospers and succeeds. The favor of God brings me into divine opportunities. The favor of God brings me increase and promotion. My best days are in front of me. I hold fast to my confession of faith, for God is faithful who promised. I choose to be in agreement with God. In Jesus Name.

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Father God, I declare that I am a good steward and that I glorify You in my role as a parent. I model the life of a godly parent before my children. I model love, character and integrity at all times. I am faithful to pray for my children and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I always do my best to mentor and instruct them in the truth and principles of God’s Word. I am sensitive to their needs. I am loving to them. Gentleness is in my touch. Kindness is on my tongue and mercy and compassion is in my hearing.

I don’t criticize, complain or talk negatively to or about my children. I speak only good things over them, those things that will edify and build them up. I let no corrupt communication proceed from my mouth. I never laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame and ridicule as punishment. I see and celebrate the good things they do. My mouth is filled with sound instruction and encouragement. I am disciplined and remain sober during times of stress and do no become frustrated or lose my temper.

If I do something that is wrong or offensive, I ask for forgiveness and I am quick to make it right. When faced with the need to discipline my children, I will do so without anger.

I will reference God’s Word as their standard of conduct. I never rob my children of the opportunity to be themselves. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I understand my children, listen to them, set boundaries for them yet encourage them to explore. I see the gifts that you have placed in them and I nurture those gifts! I foster an environment of learning.Thank You for the gift of my children. In Jesus Name. Amen!

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Father, I now pray for every Black man and youth in this nation. I cancel every strategy and operation designated to destroy his manhood, his success, his family life, his self-esteem, his reputation, his financial, intellectual and social advancement; his business success, prosperity, achievements, and his legacy; and every other area targeted to keep him oppressed, controlled, dishonored, dominated, and beneath his potential. Satan, you are bound, and have no authority to enslave him. The Son has made him free, and he is free indeed. Get out of his affairs in Jesus’ Name. Angels, go, bring to him everything that was given to him before the foundation of the world. Father, cause our Black men and youth to be transformed by the renewing of their minds, that they may all be saved and Spirit-filled, see their status in Christ, and never again settle for anything less than their inheritance provides, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Heavenly Father, we, Your people in the Body of Christ in this nation, humbly come before You, acknowledging our sin of allowing this nation to forget You. Since the birth of this nation, the Church has been disgracefully silent as wicked men boldly defied Your Word and Your laws, and have established their own righteousness and set up their own gods. They have dishonored You with their sin, and we have dishonored You, by refusing to uphold Your standards of righteousness and truth. Forgive us Lord. We repent of our sins, and we thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Father, we ask You to bless and heal our land. We pray for this nation, that all will be saved, baptized in Jesus’ Name and filled with the Holy Spirit, and will humbly and whole-heartedly serve You; winning souls, making disciples, and establishing your Kingdom in all the earth. We pray that we as a nation shall have no other gods before You; that we will not bow down ourselves before any idol or image; that we shall not take Your Name in vain; that we will keep Your Sabbath day holy; that we would honor our father and mother; that we shall not kill, commit adultery, steal, or bear false witness against our neighbor; that we will not covet anything that is our neighbors; and that the fear of the Lord would be in all the inhabitants of this nation.

We pray that as a nation, we will hide Your Word in our hearts, that we might not sign against thee; that we would walk by faith and not be sight; that we would love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves; that we would diligently obey Your voice, and cleave to You; for You are our life and the length of our days, and Father, without You, we can do nothing. Grant our request, according to II Chronicles 7:14, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Father God, I confess that I know WHO and WHAT I am in Christ, according to Your Word…

I confess that I am a new creature (II Corinthians 5:17)

I am God’s child (Galatians 4:7).

I am the righteousness of God (II Corinthians 5:21)

I am a saint (I Corinthians 1:2)

I am a temple of God (I Corinthians 6:9)

I am God’s Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

I am an Heir of God (Romans 8:7)

I am MORE than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)

I am a World Overcomer (I John 5:4-5)

I am a Priest (I Peter 2:9)

I am a King (Revelation 2:10) I am an Ambassador for Christ (II Corinthians 5:20)

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